About us

In 2017 we decided to move from our beloved home in Springfield, MO to Seattle, WA. In our lives we have experienced the benefits of saying “Yes” to God in big and small ways and we want to share our history with God with you and for our own records. We also want this place to encourage others to find their voice, remember what God has done for us and be courageous to live a radical life for Jesus. Inspiring you to to take just one step into the dreams inside of you with God would be a dream. No matter where we live or what we do we are committed to living honestly and with our whole hearts.


how to say our last name. it's a doozy. 



Alyssa Kanagaraj

Daughter, wife, mother, leader, and artist. Plant lover. Furniture rear-ranger. Adventurer. The power of a victory is not just at the end of a trial when it's all polished and pretty. But in the “yes” you chose to give at the beginning and in the middle of it all.

A few words that describe Alyssa: Flowerchild. Sweet. Determined. Justice. Introverted. Genuine. Transparent. Blunt. Soft. Empathy. Compassion. Joy.  COMMUNITY. FAMILY. COVENANT.

Vince Kanagaraj

Son, husband, father and leader. Learning that God cares more about our dreams than we could ever care. Convinced that faithfulness is cultivated in the little unseen moments in life.

A few words that describe Vince: Big hearted. Loyal. Kind. Honest. Extroverted. Lively. Goofy. Stoic. Strong. Psalmist. Leader. Hope giver. FOODIE.


A few things we are passionate about:

Ending poverty, nations, worship and living well, whole heartedly pursuing God no matter the season. We want to savor every moment of every day with the ones we love for the One we love.

A few things we love:

Anything outdoors, animals (mainly dogs, goats, chickens), lounging at home, art, music, family time with out daughter... and our friends...

A few things we believe:

There is joy in every season, there is community for every human, and God is always good. 

A few words that describe us: 

Fun. Passionate. Zany. Simple. In love. Real. Fighters. Lovers.