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So... We sold everything.

So... We sold everything.

 We didn't know it then, but this ordinary May morning changed our lives. 

Alyssa and I(Vince) were worshipping together in our living room. Out of nowhere, I heard a whisper. I thought I was just having some sporadic thoughts.

The whisper said,

“Sell everything and go.” 

How it would be beneficial and practical? I thought. But I felt an affirmation in my heart that the whisper came from Holy Spirit. 


I waited for a few minutes to sit down with Alyssa to pitch to her this excitingly crazy idea (because it’s not her favorite thing when I spring surprises on her). I offered it to her as my own crazy, spontaneous idea. When I did, I saw that she was processing, so I went to the bathroom and looked to the Lord and told Him, 

“Lord, if this is You, I need You to talk to Alyssa about it. I’m not going to bring it up again.” 

I let it go.

- Vince

“You will lack no good thing.” I(Alyssa) heard him say to me. 

I cried. 

For me, this was not an act of obedience, but a choice. An act of Lordship, if you will. 

There have been a handful of times God has radically (and swiftly) changed the course of my life. Enrolling in Northwest University, moving to Springfield MO from Seattle WA and getting married to Vince— all abrupt shifts in my life. Though these were all choices I ultimately made, at the time, they all seemed more like acts of obedience to His voice. 

My conversation with the Lord went something like this… “IF you do this alyssa, you will get to see me move in a really deep way.” He went on, “IF you do this alyssa, you will lack no good thing.” 

It was a no pressure situation. He would have blessed us if we stayed, I even believe we would have grown in all the ways we are growing on this trip. 

But, it wasn’t about blessing.

It was about making Him Lord of my life. 

I listened to a sermon once where I heard the speaker say, “Lordship is not a formula. This is why Jesus told the rich boy to sell everything he owned to have eternal life, but to Zaccheus, He said to give half of what he owned to the poor, with which Jesus was pleased.” He went on to say that actively making God Lord of your life does not always look the same for everyone but is usually based on our individual relationship with Jesus.

“A Lordship issue is always a heart issue.”
— Bill Johnson


Changed my life.

I felt compelled to ask myself are you Lord of my life?

Like really?

Something awakened within me, I was suddenly aware of a desire in my heart I didn't know was there. A voice saying

“Here Lord, everything is yours. Nothing in my life takes precedence except you. I love you with all my heart, with all my soul, and all my life so here's my whole life. I want to waste it all on you. I want to be free from fear and find my security and safety in you alone.”

 I was perhaps squelching with my desire to feel safe and secure. But I have this opportunity presented to me to waste it all on Him and, really, what is life with God if not risky and adventurous? At the very least we come back from our trip and find another apartment, right?

- Alyssa

Wilderness Poem

Wilderness Poem